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Geoscience Survey

Inti Bumi Geoservis (IBG) provide many geophysical survey (we are also open to geological and geodetic surveys)

1. Geoelectric survey: VES, ERT/ERI, IP, SP (groundwater exploration, mining materials, mineral mining materials, geotechnical, environmental, etc.)

2. Seismic survey: refraction seismic, MASW, reflection seismic, passive seismic (bed rock investigation, geotechnical, coal exploration, disaster, etc.)

3. Potential field survey: gravity, magnetic (regional geological structure mapping, mining exploration, etc.)

4. Electromagnetic survey: CSAMT, MT, VLF, GPR (geothermal exploration, buried pipe investigation, etc.)

5. Geological survey: geological mapping, alteration mapping, etc

6. Topographic survey: RTK, TS, drone (satellite image mapping, contour mapping, cut and fill calculations, etc.)

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